Monday, October 11, 2010

Random: Haircut and more.

'Sup guys,

SO, I got mah first haircut outside Hong Kong! It was pretty good, fast and at a reasonable price, although my head looks pretty round now. I'm happy with it, hopefully they will remember me the next time I go there.

It's weird, though. I feel my hair isn't growing as fast as it used to. Maybe it's just me, or is it because I'm in the US?

Meh, nvm.

So, I'm still waiting for the next shooting session, it's two weeks from now, pure torture. I'm gonna pwn my classmate's ass with an 870.

Strangely, nothing happened this weekend. Like, srsly, nothing happened. It was a boring week.

Catch ya guys later,

Sunday, October 3, 2010


LOL. It's Sunday, and besides riding, I had nothing to do. So I went shooting.

Yes. Shooting. Real guns.

It was actually really fun, I shot 12 gauge buckshot at small 10 cm targets. The guy on the range said I was really good for a first time shooter, getting 19-25.

I have to admit, that was pretty good. Plus I got to use a real 870 shotgun!! YESS!!!

The recoil isn't too bad, just a good slap into your shoulder.

I think I shot around 75 rounds. My shoulder kinda aches.

Meh, want to do it again.


P.S: Bman, I told you the Remington 870 rocks.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Random: First day of October!

On another side note, it's October! Fresh start, fresh page, whatever you want to call it, it's awesome!!

So I got new speakers. They're pretty sick, loud enough to blast with high bass, small enough to just fit onto a desk. It's perfect for my room.

I'm so pumped for tomorrow, going into town and grabbing some things I want. Hopefully it's all good.

Talk to you guys soon.

Random: Stall flooded. FUCK!

Hi guys.

Well, for those that don't know (which is most of you) I have a horse at my school. Which means I have to get up at 6:30 and shovel horseshit around until it's clean.

As most of you with common sense know, water and horseshit don't mix. Which is why I am screaming FUCK inside because my stall flooded with water from the horse's drinker.

On a side note, I am currently extremely bored. I have pretty much nothing to do, and who does homework on a Friday? So I'm writing some of my time-killing stories. Which sucks as well since I'm running out of ideas.

