Wednesday, July 25, 2012

UPDATE: Super Important Blog Post

Hi guys (or whoever is left that actually follows this blog besides me).

So I realized that I needed some sort of structure to this blog. I can't just blog about anything and everything, it just doesn't work out.

I've created some categories into the blog posts' titles so you can easily search for different types of stuff:

Running - This one is for all things related to running. Running at school, running at home, running at races, running around the moon... wait. Scratch that last one. Search this tag to find my little adventures around where I run.

Biking - Same as above, but expect less frequent updates on this one. Maybe you'll see a few next month, but these will never be as frequent as Running posts.

Review - These are a review of whatever thing I'm trying to review at the time of posting. SSDs, Games, shoes, bikes, bike parts, airsoft guns, whatever suits my fancy.

Random - Anything and everything that works. All other stuff that just needs a little writing about them.

And then, there's:

Hope that lets you guys find stuff easier.


EDIT: Oh, and there's also a RANT tag added to some of the Random posts, just so you know what's a massive ramble about some unimportant thing, and what's actually a coherent blog post about something worthwhile. And sometimes, it's both. 

Running: Washington, DC

So, I managed to get on a pretty sweet run this morning with my dad from our hotel to all those beautiful monuments around DC. Ended up with an enjoyable 4 mile run at a 7:30 pace average.

You know, I expected the outside air temperature to be unbearably hot, a la Hong Kong weather and humidity. Luckily, even with such a bright sun beating down on me, I never really did get overheated. Big plus!

Afterwards we had brunch in the cutest little coffee shop on a corner of the street and set off on the biggest adventure of our lives!

Okay. No, we didn't. We still did get to see the different memorials all over the place, sans the reflective pool and getting up to the top of the Washington Monument. Two of the most awesome things, and I didn't get to do them.

On a side note, I was thoroughly convinced by the evolution exhibit in the Museum of Natural History. I never realized there was this much research and archaeology backing up that theory of evolution.

On a different side note, I went out to "The Prime Rib" steakhouse, and I had - you got it - the signature dish, the prime rib. It was ridiculously good. Cooked to absolute perfection, and you can taste it in every bite.

 That was a really shitty DC overview, but there.


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Review: The Dark Knight Rises

Alright. I just watched this in DC. I think it warrants a few words.

Everyone thinks of a super badass dressed in black from head to toe with an equally awesome cape when they hear the word "Batman". And usually Robin alongside him.

That is portrayed, true-to-stereotype in this movie (minus the Robin part, of course).

Batman also usually has an array of cool tools he has strapped to his belt that he liberally uses to make his great escape, or to kill/disable his opponents.

That is shown. Not excessively, but it's there.

And, from the different Batman movies over the years, fans will also get to know the trademark "Batman rasp" to determine the difference from Batman and Bruce Wayne.

That is also there. Something that I have always found extremely annoying, but I guess that's something that has been in the comics, or Christopher Nolan wanted that there.

So, it seems like this movie has all the great things that your typical Batman movie has, and it also seems like there is your typical Christopher Nolan Batman Trilogy fare all over the place.

Then why is it that I felt like there was nothing special about this movie, other than the uber-sick Tom Hardy playing quite possibly one of the most badass, ruthless and awesome villains I have seen in a movie?

This was an extremely downplayed Batman, and the conclusion was left with many plotholes for the audience to wonder: What the hell? That doesn't make any sense. Although I did very much enjoy seeing Anne Hathaway in a skintight, Catwoman suit (who doesn't?), this movie did not fill in the blanks nor did it provide a bombproof story that would keep you on the edge of your seat the entire time. Unless you're desperate for something to see, there are better options out there.

Although, I might be bashing it a little too hard here. It's still an action-packed movie, and super entertaining to watch. But it didn't feel like enough.

Just like Mass Effect 3. Screw you, Bioware!

My $0.02;

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Running: New York!

As many of you know, I run cross country. As part of cross country training, we have to... train... and I usually do that the first thing when I get up. Provided that the FUCKING alarm on my phone works, and I manage to hear it.

So this morning, with me being in New York and all, I decided to take on the 7 mile loop from the hotel, round Central Park, and back to 42nd street. Sure, a little long, but it's a long distance run. No biggie.

So I finally manage to get across all the traffic lights and into Central Park, where the New York Road Runners' thingymajig is going on. I fit myself into the crowd at first, thinking that it was liek "ZOMG SO MANY PEOPLE RUN IN CENTRAL PARK" but then I realized it was a race.

What the Fuck.

I manage to keep up with the front pack at like a 6:45 mile pace. Not too shabby.

Then I realized I fucked up the route and just did the little circle thing with the runners again. Fell short one mile, but hey. I kept up with the fast guys.

Then it was all traffic lights again. GRRR.

Next up: Mets vs Dodgers!!! GO DODGERS!

PS: Sorry I didn't have pictures. Didn't stop to take some.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Random:LEGO: Big thumbs up!

Hey-o, Bloggers!

Since when was the last time you've played with LEGO?

Like, seriously? Last time I played was... I dunno. Last year? When I purchased that set of Lego to build with. It's currently sitting in the corner collecting dust. Not doing too hot.

I know: Lego seems nothing more than a bunch of plastic bricks that are commonly childs' toys to let their creativity flow. (Which it is. I used to play with so much Lego all the time, it was so much fun to just build and build and build. I spent wayyyy too much time on their "Digital Designer" and just went all out trying to build all this stuff.... *SIGH*. Good memories. )

It also allows you to create THIS in 30 minutes:
(GRR >:| I hate no wi-fi :( See first photo at bottom)

Pretty cool, eh?

I think managing to make that out of a literal CUP of LEGO is pretty damn cool. Plus I had so much fun doing it! Being able to select your own pieces to fill up the cup was awesome!!!

So, kids, make sure you guys keep building stuff out of these plasticky pieces. You'll learn to thank whatever or whoever made you do it. Then you can be an engineer! YAY EPGY!


Random: RANT: Harvard, MIT, Brown and Yale.

Wow. I miss updating for two days and I have to write all of these up together.

Two days ago we went to Harvard and MIT. What I found out was that Harvard is so stuck up and "prestigious" that they really don't care about trying to make you want to go to Harvard. Their namesake is enough to get you started.

Which is true, I guess. Nothing really beats Harvard, right? The ultimate in universities.

I say fuck that. It's an asshole school with asshole attitude.

MIT on the other hand was very cool. A little bit geeky and tech but that's what it is, right?

That school made me feel extremely comfortable and welcome. Their campus tour really gave me an idea of
what the school was really about and how the students were. It was a really cool school, and I'll probably apply there. Plus they have a wormhole straight to Stanford's engineering building, real time! I've seen both sides!

 Brown was super cool too. All you have to know is it's a big Thacher. That should explain everything.

Yale= Harvard. 'nuff said.

Although, to its credit, it really is not that bad. You know that it is a very sophisticated school with endless opportunities to research and study abroad. It is a really good school. But what gave me a good idea was their official book and the other stuff around the admission office. No one in person gave me that impression.

Wow. Superlong blog post. Until next time.

Or, the next couple of minutes.

EDIT: Mobile Blogger sucks at formatting. And mobile photos. 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Random:Brandeis visit; NH storms

So. I went to Brandeis University today, and managed to talk with students and saw a lot of campus. It seems like a genuinely chill school. Also met with my Dad's friend Ruth and her son Josh. Had a good conversation over lunch and learned some more about the uni.
To be honest, I don't like the east coast that much. Too... European, for lack of a better term. But, this is a good school. I really like the atmosphere it gives and it seems like it is very similar to Thacher. I wouldn't mind going there.
Besides, its right by Boston.
On the other hand, I visited my dad's old professor in New Hampshire. It was in the country side with everything self sufficient. It is a really cool, natural house, but I just don't think I'd be able to live there. Enjoyed the small storm and the wind it blew off, though. I'd attach a vid, but I don't think blogger would let me.
Peace. Harvard and MIT next.