Saturday, July 21, 2012

Running: New York!

As many of you know, I run cross country. As part of cross country training, we have to... train... and I usually do that the first thing when I get up. Provided that the FUCKING alarm on my phone works, and I manage to hear it.

So this morning, with me being in New York and all, I decided to take on the 7 mile loop from the hotel, round Central Park, and back to 42nd street. Sure, a little long, but it's a long distance run. No biggie.

So I finally manage to get across all the traffic lights and into Central Park, where the New York Road Runners' thingymajig is going on. I fit myself into the crowd at first, thinking that it was liek "ZOMG SO MANY PEOPLE RUN IN CENTRAL PARK" but then I realized it was a race.

What the Fuck.

I manage to keep up with the front pack at like a 6:45 mile pace. Not too shabby.

Then I realized I fucked up the route and just did the little circle thing with the runners again. Fell short one mile, but hey. I kept up with the fast guys.

Then it was all traffic lights again. GRRR.

Next up: Mets vs Dodgers!!! GO DODGERS!

PS: Sorry I didn't have pictures. Didn't stop to take some.

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